Supporting our Local Communities
Because of our local roots, MyFM Media believes in supporting and giving back to the communities in which our employees, advertisers, and listeners live, work, and play.
We partner with many hallmark events and local charities, including:
- Taste of Milford
- Oliva Fund
- The Santa Foundation
- Habitat for Humanity
- March of Dimes
- Milford Food Pantry
- HMEA Independence 5K
- Citizens for Milford
- United Way
- Special Olympics
- MyFM Senior Expo
- MyFM Holiday Change Drive
- Hopedale Day in the Park
- Celebrate Holliston
- Franklin Holiday Stroll
- Feast of St. Rocco
- Toys for Tots
- Hometown Hope Initiative
- Uxbridge Santa Parade
- Medway Christmas Parade
- Milford Santa Parade